Protect your loved ones from the harmful impact of mold with Pur360. Our team specializes in Houston mold remediation services, addressing the significant health risks associated with indoor mold. We prioritize your well-being by using natural and chemical-free solutions, ensuring your health remains uncompromised.
Our unique approach eliminates all airborne particles and surface contaminants, leaving your home or office smelling clean. Say goodbye to bothersome fragrances that may trigger allergies and harsh chemicals that could threaten your health. Choose us for a cleaner, healthier living or working space free of mold.

“I am shocked at how great everything turned out. There is no sign of mold anywhere on the plywood in my attic! I would highly recommend this company for mold remover.”
– Linda S.
We’re the Pros
Pur360’s team of experts is passionate about tackling your home’s mold problems head-on and ensuring you have a clean and healthy living space. We take pride in using natural and eco-friendly methods to ensure your home or business remains safe and comfortable. With our Houston mold remediation team on your side, you can rest easy knowing that our experienced crew has you covered.
Our Guarantee
Pur360 believes in standing behind our work and process, offering our customers a 100% guarantee. If the mold or odor returns after our service is completed and the source of the issue is remedied, we will retreat your property at no additional charge per our terms and conditions.
You can trust Pūr360
to restore comfort to your world