At Pur360, we provide professional mold services that can prevent the expansion of mold from one moist area to locations throughout your home, preserve your investment in your home, and help keep your air clear for your family’s health and comfort in Wauconda, IL. It’s important to act promptly when you experience plumbing leaks or flooding anywhere in your home, ensuring prompt remediation of any developing mold. If you suspect mold inside your walls, in your attic or basement, or in other moist areas, our mold removal experts can test and provide mold remediation and make sure your home and the air you breathe indoors are clear of problems. Time is important because mold travels by airborne spores, and it can multiply quickly to any receptive areas throughout your house. Dark patches of mold and musty or moldy odors indicate that you have a serious problem that is likely to be spreading. Mold-related health issues like allergies are also indicators of a serious indoor air quality issue.
Whether you live in Hubbard Woods, Larkdale, Harmony Village, Richmondena, or any other area of town, if you’re concerned about mold remediation in your Wauconda home our experts can help.
Our Guarantee
Pur360 believes in standing behind our work and process, offering our customers a 100% guarantee. If the mold or odor returns after our service is completed and the source of the issue is remedied, we will retreat your property at no additional charge per our terms and conditions.
You can trust Pūr360
to restore comfort to your world